Source code for lnns.interfaces

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Date                : August 2018
| Copyright           : © 2018 - 2020 by Tinne Cahy (Geo Solutions) and Ann Crabbé (KU Leuven)
| Email               :
| Acknowledgements    : Translated from LNNS 1.0 A neural network simulator [C++ software]
|                       Ghent University, Laboratory of Forest Management and Spatial Information Techniques
|                       Lieven P.C. Verbeke
| This file is part of the QGIS Neural Network MLP Classifier plugin and mlp-image-classifier python package.
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
| warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (COPYING.txt). If not see
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
import tempfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse

from osgeo import gdal
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QTimer

from lnns.interfaces.imports import import_image, read_pattern
from lnns.interfaces.exports import write_classified_image, write_pattern
from import Network

[docs]def tuple_int(s): try: return tuple(map(int, s.strip().rstrip(',').split(','))) except ValueError: raise ValueError("The given hidden layer size is incorrect. Example for three layers: 4,5,3.")
[docs]def tuple_int_cli(s): try: return tuple(map(int, s.split(','))) except Exception: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("The given tuple of int is incorrect. Example: 1,2,3")
[docs]def tuple_string(s): try: return tuple(map(str, s.split(','))) except Exception: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("The given tuple of stings is incorrect. Example: a,b,c")
[docs]def plot(x, y, size=None, title="Neural Network MLPClassifier: Network error decline", testing=False): if size is None: pg.plot(x, y, labels={'left': 'cost', 'bottom': 'iterations'}, title=title) else: scatter = pg.ScatterPlotItem(x, y, size=size, title=title) pg.plot().addItem(scatter) if testing: from qgis.core import QgsApplication app = QgsApplication([], True) QTimer.singleShot(3000, app.closeAllWindows) app.exec_()
[docs]def plot_to_file(x, y, path, title="Neural Network MLPClassifier: Network error decline"): plt.plot(x, y) plt.ylabel('cost') plt.xlabel('iterations') plt.title(title) plt.savefig(path)
[docs]def run_algorithm_images(image_paths, classified_path, no_data_value, hidden_layer_size, activation, iterations, test_size, probability_of_class, update_process_bar=print, log_function=print, output_path=None, plot_path=None, feedback=None, context=None): """ Process all input, in order to run the nn script. :param image_paths: the absolute path to the input raster files :param classified_path: absolute path to the classified raster file :param no_data_value: value that describes pixels with no data in the classes_data file :param hidden_layer_size: Hidden layer size with length = n_layers - 2, comma separated values. :param activation: Activation function for the MLPClassifier, choices=['identity', 'logistic', 'tanh', 'relu'] :param iterations: Maximum number of iterations :param test_size: the proportion of the test_size that will be used to evaluate the trained network :param probability_of_class: class for which you would like the probability image :param update_process_bar: function to update the progress bar :param log_function: function to log :param output_path: path for output files (optional) :param plot_path: necessary for the processing tool: path for the plot :param feedback: necessary for the processing tool :param context: necessary for the processing tool :return: output path """ # check input is not empty if not image_paths: raise Exception("Please select image file(s).") try: # get images and metadata images, metadata = map(list, zip(*[import_image(path, True) for path in image_paths])) classes_data, class_img_metadata = import_image(classified_path) metadata.append(class_img_metadata) # check all images have the same metadata: s1, s2, = zip(*[(m['x_size'], m['y_size']) for m in metadata]) g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6 = zip(*[(m['geo_transform']) for m in metadata]) if (s1[1:] != s1[:-1]) or (s2[1:] != s2[:-1]): raise Exception("All images must have the same number of rows and columns.") if (g1[1:] != g1[:-1]) or (g2[1:] != g2[:-1]) or (g3[1:] != g3[:-1]) or (g4[1:] != g4[:-1]) or \ (g5[1:] != g5[:-1]) or (g6[1:] != g6[:-1]): raise Exception("All images must have the same geographical parameters.") # merge bands into one array band_data = np.concatenate(images) # create network net = Network(number_of_hidden=hidden_layer_size, activation=activation) update_process_bar(25) # train the network net.train_image(band_data=band_data, classes_data=classes_data, max_iter=iterations, no_data_value=no_data_value, test_size=test_size, log_function=log_function) if feedback or plot_path: if plot_path != '': plot_to_file(x=range(len(,, path=plot_path) else: plot(range(len(, update_process_bar(50) # predict the network classified_image = net.predict_image(band_data=band_data, probability_of_class=probability_of_class) update_process_bar(100) # output if not output_path: output_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_paths[0]))[0]) output_path = '{0}_predict.tif'.format(output_path) # classified image gdal_type = gdal.GDT_Int16 if probability_of_class is None else gdal.GDT_Float64 output_path = write_classified_image(output_path, classified_image, class_img_metadata['geo_transform'], class_img_metadata['projection'], gdal_type) return output_path except Exception as e: log_function(e)
[docs]def run_algorithm_pattern(pattern_train, pattern_predict, no_data_value, hidden_layer_size, activation, iterations, test_size, probability_of_class, log_function=print, output_path=None, plot_path=None, feedback=None, context=None): """ Process all input, in order to run the nn script. :param pattern_train: the absolute path to the pattern file with training data :param pattern_predict: absolute path to the pattern file for predictions :param no_data_value: value that describes pixels with no data in the classes_data file :param hidden_layer_size: Hidden layer size with length = n_layers - 2, comma separated values. :param activation: Activation function for the MLPClassifier, choices=['identity', 'logistic', 'tanh', 'relu'] :param iterations: Maximum number of iterations :param test_size: the proportion of the test_size that will be used to evaluate the trained network :param probability_of_class: class for which you would like the probability image :param log_function: function to log :param output_path: path for output files (optional) :param plot_path: necessary for the processing tool: path for the plot :param feedback: necessary for the processing tool :param context: necessary for the processing tool :return: output path """ try: train_prn = read_pattern(pattern_train) predict_prn = read_pattern(pattern_predict) if train_prn.input_neurons != predict_prn.input_neurons: raise Exception("The input file and file to predict must contain the same number of input_neurons.") # create network net = Network(number_of_hidden=hidden_layer_size, activation=activation) # train the network net.train_image(band_data=train_prn.x, classes_data=train_prn.y, max_iter=iterations, no_data_value=no_data_value, test_size=test_size, log_function=log_function) if feedback or plot_path: if plot_path != '': plot_to_file(x=range(len(,, path=plot_path) else: plot(x=range(len(, # predict the network y_predict = net.predict_image(band_data=predict_prn.x, probability_of_class=probability_of_class) # output if not output_path: output_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pattern_predict))[0]) output_path = '{0}_predict.tif'.format(output_path) # classified image x_y_predict = np.around(np.concatenate((predict_prn.x.transpose(), y_predict[:, None]), axis=1), decimals=2) write_pattern(output_path, predict_prn.number_of_patterns, train_prn.input_neurons, train_prn.output_neurons, x_y_predict, '%.2f') return output_path except Exception as e: log_function(e)